OFFICERS OF ALVIN NO. 762 2022-2023 (L to R) George Alston, Chaplain: Don Knight, Sr Deacon; Charles Davidson, Sr Warden; Martin Martinez, Jr Deacon; Michael Rindhage Worshipful Master; Don Little PM, Secretary; Bobby Bath, Tiler: Mike Lansford, Jr Warden
Our Next Stated Meetings: First and Third Thursdays 7:00pm - Meal at 6:30pm
Hamburger/Hot Dog Sale July 4th at Alvin Community College Concert & Fireworks - 6pm to 10pm
Officer Installation
The Alvin Lodge No. 762 Officer Installation was held on June 25, 2022 at The Alvin Lodge No 762 Masonic Building Alvin Texas at 6:30pm
Michael Rindhage was installed as Worshipful Master, pictured here (r) with The Grand Master of Masons in Texas MW Brad Billings (l) earlier this year in Waco.
The Installing Master Was Dean Bryant, PM & DDGM
The Installing Marshal was Chris Little, PM
The Luncheon was served by Alvin OES NO. 15 to approximately. 60 people.